Burgƿarena Hūs ƿæs se gemōt in Virginia þǣre Landbūnesse beforan Americansic sundorrīcehād. Hit ƿæs American ǣrrosta ǣlagla gemōt of folcgeceorren speliendum and ƿæs gestaðoled be þǣm Virginia Gyld in 1619, ðe Brettas meahten setlan mid frofore and dǣlnumelnesse in þǣre landbūnesse.

"Patrick Henry Beforan þǣm Burgƿarena Hūse"

Þæt Burgƿarena Hūs ricsode mid þǣre landbūnesse Ealdormanne and his ǣhte in Jamestoƿn oþ 1699, þan setlede se lēodƿeard in Ƿillelmesbyrig.

In 1776 ƿeard Uirgina sundrod of þǣm Bryttiscan Rīce be his agan banne and ƿæs 'Uirginia sēo Cyneƿīse]]. Ðan ðæt Burgƿarena Hūs nām þone naman 'Spelienda Hūs'.