Ergo Proxy is cunnunglēasung mōdbysgung anime feorrsīen endebyrdnes, macod be Manglobe, þe man scēaƿode geond Iapan on 25 Sōlmōnþe, 2006 on þǣm WOWOW sætellītan nettƿyrc. Ergo Proxy hæfþ 2D "cel" styrunge, 3D spearcatella biliðas, and spearclic syndrig mearcunga. Sēo endebyrdnes hæfþ begen stēampunk and æftercyberpunk mearcunga and biþ mǣste ymbe þā gemyndcræft and mōdfulnes his hēafodlēode.

Ergo Proxy
Wiki letter w Þis gewrit is stycce. Þu most Wikipædie mid ætiecunge hire helpan.