
(Edlǣded of Gazaþwang)

Se Gasaþwang is landscipe þæs Haligan Landes andlang Wendelsæs rime æt Ægytes landgemærwe. Ymbe þisse landþwang is Israheles land buton be Ægypte.

Landscite þæs Gasaþwanges

He is fi and twentig mila lang and feower mila wid. Onmiddan þisse land stent Gaza.

In 1948 onswog Ægyptrice Gasa and onsettedon þas folde; þy wæs hie bedælede fram Palestinan laf. Hider cwomon manige Arabas þa fliemdon in þæm ilcan gewinne.

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þæm Gasaðwange