Silesisc gereord

(Edlǣded of Silesisc sprǣc)

Silesisc gereord (Silesisc: ślōnskŏ gŏdka, ślōnski, oððe po naszymu) is gereord þæt is gereorded be folc in dælum Uppan Silesian (oððe Syslalande) in Polalande, ac eac in Ceclande and Þēodisclande. In Polalandes Lēodscipe Tōmearcodnesse in 2011 sume 509,000 menn ācƿæden Silesisc sƿā hiere āgensprǣc.[1]

Range of Silesian language on map of East-Central Europe (marked as G1, G2)

Silesisc is cynn þara Poliscan gereorda, and sume gereordboceras tellað þe "Silesisc" is āgensprǣc þæs Poliscan gereordes.

Stæfrǣƿ adiht

Silesisc gereord næfþ hiere āgan abecede. Silesiscsprecan ƿritað hiere gereorde mid þǣre Lǣden stæfrǣƿe and mid þara ilcan bocstæfum sƿā in Poliscan ƿritung. In 2010 ƿæs geāhogod nīƿe Silesisce spedsumunge, mid hiere ƿyrt in eallum of þara tīene Silesiscan ƿritungƿisum. Hēo is gebrucan on þæm ƿoruldƿīdeƿebbe, and in þǣre Silesiscan Ƿikipǣdie.

Aa Ãã Bb Cc Ćć Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Łł Mm Nn Ńń Oo Ŏŏ Ōō Ôô Õõ Pp Rr Ss Śś Tt Uu Ww Yy Zz Źź Żż

Fruman adiht

  1. Narodowy Spis Powszechny Ludności i Mieszkań 2011. Raport z wyników - Central Statistical Office of Poland

Ūtƿeardlican bendas adiht

Ƿikipǣdian geƿritu geƿriten in þisse sprǣce sind gefunden æt þǣm