The Wind and the Wheat

The Wind and the Wheat (on Englisce "Se Wind and se Hwǣt") is drēamtōlānnotiend swēghord be Phile Keaggye gytartēore gedōn þe wæs ūtlǣten on 1987 be Maranatha! Music

Lēoða Getæl adiht

Eall lēoþ wǣron fram Phile Keaggye gewriten būtan þǣm þe sind gemearcod ōðerlīce.

Forme sīde adiht

  1. "March of the Clouds (on Englisce "Faru þāra Wolcna")
  2. "Paradise Dream" (on Englisce "Neorxenawangswefn")
  3. "The Wind and the Wheat (on Englisce "Se Wind and se Hwǣt"}
  4. "Where Travellers Meet" (on Englisce "Þǣr Ferendas Mētaþ")
  5. "From Shore to Shore (on Englisce "Fram Sǣriman oþ Sǣriman")

Ōðer sīde adiht

  1. "Prayer" (on Englisce "Gebed")
  2. "The Mission" (on Englisce "Þæt Ǣrend")
  3. "The Promise" (on Englisce "Þæt Gehāt"
  4. "The Reunion" (on Englisce "Se Eftmōt")
  5. "I Love You Lord" (on Englisce "Ic Lufie Þec Dryhten")

Wyrhtan adiht

Weorces notas adiht

  • Gelǣstende wyrhta: Tom Coomes
  • Geworht be Phile Keaggye, Tome Coomese, and Jeffe Lamse
  • Cræftwrōht be: Jime Scheffleer, Eddie Keaggye, Chrise Taylore, Phile Keaggye, Tome Coomese, Jeffe Lamse
  • Swēgseted be: Jime Schefflere, Phile Keaggye, Tome Coomese and Chrise Taylore
  • Geþurenes disces geweald be: Bruce Botnicke at Digitale Magneticse
  • Swēghordes biliþa tācnung: Phile Fewsmithe (