Ēastermōnaþ 2005
- Pāpa Benedict XVI nimþ his pāpansetl lahlīce swā se nīwa pāpa ongemang þǣre Pāplicre Inswerunge Mæssan in St. Petres Square.
- Italisc Forma Ambihtmann Silvio Berlusconi (pictured) spēdlīce macaþ nīwe lēodwearde, līclīce forescīeteþ eallicne cyst oþ 2006.
- Alfredo Palacio wearþ se hwīlwenda Foresittend Ecwadores, æfter þǣm þe Þēodgeþeaht āfēorrede Lucio Gutiērrez in þǣre wace wīdre folclicre unēaðnesse.
- Þēodisc Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger is gecoren pāpa and nimþ þone rīcendan naman Benedict XVI.
- Tiber and hīred cēpaþ 168 pricincla stillnesse on þǣm tēoðan gemynddæge þæs Oklahomanburge scēotunge.
- Forlorena wrītunga fram Sophoclese, Euripidese, Archiloche and ōðrum of classical antiquity, and gewēne forlorenu Crīstenu godspelu, bēoþ geedwyrped of papyres trahtum gefunden æt Oxyrhynche in Egipte.
- Se pāpa Iohannes Paulus II (riht) forþferde on ielde 84 gēara, æfter mā þonne 26 gēara swā se hēafod þǣre Rōmāniscan Eallican Cirican.
- Sēo UN-fultumode Þūsendgēare Eorþcundnesse Mǣðung onwrīehþ mearcwierðlice bigegnesse þe tyhteþ þæt planētanlicre eorþcundnesse hwierfunga wiersiaþ.