(Edlǣded of Ƿindlesōra)
Windlesōra is smæl tūn in Bearrucscīre on sūþƿesternre ūthealfe Lundenes, sūþ þǣre Temese ēa. Hē is se stede Ƿindlesōran Castles, ānes þāra ambihtlicra cynehāma þæs Bryttiscan cynecynnes. Se castel ƿæs frumlīce gestaðelod fram Ƿillelmes I cyninges ac ƿearþ sƿīðe geƿended and tōgeīeht geond þǣm gēarhundredum.
Windlesōra | |
— tun — | |
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Land | Geāned Cynerīce Geāned Cynerīce |
Leodræden • buend |
32,184 buenda |
Tidgyrdel | UTC±00:00 |
Sprecungrim | 01753 |
Webstede | Webstede |
Windlesōra Commons | |
Þis cyþþubox hæfþ Wikidata wihta | |
Be þæm ealdorbotle hæfþ Ƿindlesōra facilities geƿunelic gefunden in miclora byrgum: tƿā regolƿeg stedas, ān ƿafungstede and mænigan miclan tōcirhūs. Ēac is sēo burg sēo stede of Legoland, getimbrode on þæm stede hƿǣron stōd Ƿindsor Safari Park. On getimbodunga, be niede ābær man miċel tonnas of nicores dung fram þǣm dēorfalde.
Sēo ēac
adihtanŪtanƿearde bendas
adihtan- Þæs cynelīcan Burgscipes Ƿindlesōran and Mǣgþhāda ƿebbstedee
- Ƿindlesōran Bearrucscīr Ƿebbstede
- Se Ƿindlesōranstede ānre þāra stedestīdunga Archived 2017-06-25 at the Wayback Machine
- Se ambihtlica ƿebbstede of Ƿindelsoran & Etones Fōtball Gegield
- ÞamesǷeb Ƿindlesōran ƿebbstede
- Ƿindlesōran Hāman Gegield Archived 2008-09-02 at the Wayback Machine