Amadeus I Spena Cyning
Amadeus I wæs Spena Cyning for þrim wintrum of 16. dæg Blotmonðes 1870 oððæt ðe he forscrah his setl on 11. dæg Solmonþes 1873 and fliemde Speonland. He næs of þæs rices rihtan cynecynne ac wæs Uictories Emanuelles sunu Eotolwara Cyninges and Speonlandes hired settede hine on his stealle æfter þe Isabelle II Cwen hæfde swicdom asettede.
Amadeus | |
Hus | Savoyingas |
Fæder | Uictor Emmanuel II Italia Cyning |
Modor | Archduchess Adelaide of Austria |
Geboren | 30 Þrimilcemonað 1845 Turin |
Deaþ | 18 Se Æfterra Gēola 1890 Turin |
Handseten |