Andreas Crēca and Dēna Æþeling

Andreas Crēca and Dēna Æþeling (2 Solmōnað 1882 – 3 Gēolmōnað 1944), wæs þæt seofoþa ċild and se fēorþa sunu of Georgius I Crēca Cyning and Helga Constantinofna Russa Hlǣfdīġe.

Bryd Æþelhād Hlǣfdīġe of Batianbyrġ
Bearn Meregrot Crēca and Dēna Hlǣfdīġe
Ōsgifu Crēca and Dēna Hlǣfdīġe
Sċila Crēca and Dēna Hlǣfdīġe
Sefīa Crēca and Dēna Hlǣfdīġe
Filip Crēca and Dēna Æþeling
Hus Glūcsburh Hūs
Fæder Georgius I Crēca Cyning
Modor Helga Constantinofna Russa Hlǣfdīġe
Geboren 2 Solmōnað 1882
Aþēnas, Grecland
Deaþ 3 Gēolmōnað 1944
Monte Carl, Monaco
Byrgen Tatoi, Aþēnas, Grecland