Anne of Clefe was Engla Cwēn for siexe monaþum in 1540: heo æwnode Henric VIII Cyning on 6. dæg þæs Æfterran Geola fram Geol 1540 ac man aidlode þas hiwunge in þæm ilcan geare.

Anne of Clēfe
Bryd Heanric VIII Engla Cyning
Fæder Iōhannes, Duke of Clefe
Modor Maria rad Jülich-Berg
Geboren 28 Sēremōnaþ or 22 hærfestmonað 1515
Deaþ 16 Gîuling 1557 (agéd 41/42)

Heanrices VIII wif Cyninges
Catherine of Aragone 1509–1533Anne Bullen 1533–1536Iane Segmur 1536–1537Anne of Clefe 1540Catherine Hoggweard 1540–1542Catherine Parr 1543–1547