Balmandir is lytel þorp in Dhankuta þæm Læppan in Nepales ēastdæle.

Wyrtgeard in Balmandir in wintertīde

Feorr is þes stede fram burgscipe and clæne is his lyfte on beorgum. His onwunendas sindon of manigum folcum þæs landes þā cwomon hider of missenlicum dælum of Nepale.

Tilþ in Balmandire is missenlicu and mid fægnysse in his wæstme. Hēr begāþ man mese, wulfpersocas, and oþru þing.

Nān leorninghūs is in þæm tūne noððe nēah him and bearn wadað healf ōþer stund to hiera leornungclystre.