Blōd is sƿīðe nȳdmicel ƿǣt andtimber on þǣm līcum manigra dēora. Hit is macod of manigum blōdclēofum and blōdƿǣtan.
On fōdum
adihtanBlōd is hƿīlum gebrocen tō fōdum, þēah þe sēo notu blōdes tō fōdan dǣle is oft ætsacen on manigum hālignessum. Blōdmearh is fōda of blōde geƿorht.
On gelēafum
adihtanOn missenlicum hālignessum is blōd hefig. On Crīstendōme is ƿīn oþþe berigena sæp gedruncen tō gemynde þæs blōdes þe Iesus lēas þā hƿīle þe Hē ƿæs on þǣre rōde.
Þis gewrit is stycce. Þu most Wikipædie mid ætiecunge .