Bysen:Community template

Ǣlc tramet on Wicipǣdian is midwyrcendu gecostung. Ac sind sume syndrige stedas, tō sīdan geseted, for sumum cynnum gespreca and helpes. Find þæt þu hēr sēcst:

  • Help (innung) — Brūc þisne gif þē is nīed helpes mid ādihtunge. Ēac is a comprehensive range of help articles available here. You can ask a question about using Wikipedia at the Help Desk.
  • Belimpas — Hēr sind belimpas beinnan þǣm Wicipǣdian gemǣnscipe.
  • Se Þorpes Wiella — Þās sind hēafodmōtstōwa for Wicipǣdian.
  • Sēo Tācnstudu — Þis is Wicipǣdian āgen spellblæd.
  • Se Gemǣnscipe Ingang — Þes is sēo midde gemǣnscipes dǣlnimunge. Leorna ymbe midweorc and idignessa, tō þǣre þe þu getengan canst, tō beterenne Wicipǣdian.
  • Midwyrcunga — Wuclica, mōnaþlica, and gangenda mydwyrcenda gewritbeterunge gedrǣfunga beinnan syndrigum intinganhrōstum.
  • Reference Desk — Help ōðrum Wicibōceras þe sēcaþ syndrige lāre mid þȳ þæt þu andswarast hira intinganfregenu be þǣm bōcscamele (gelīc þǣm biblioþecan gefrǣges scamele).
  • Department of Fun — Dedicated to FUN on Wikipedia.
  • Clinic for Wikipediholics — Sign-in to Wikipedia!
  • Wilcumunge werod — Grēteþ nīwcuman.
  • Wikipedia Boot Camp — Take a crash course about Wikipedia!