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Bysen:Ph:H:f Help

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Help contents - all pages in the Help namespace: Meta Wikibooks Commons: Wikinews Wikipedia Wikiquote Wikisource Wiktionary

Reading: Overview | Go | Search | URL | Namespace | Page name | Section | Link | Backlinks | Piped link | Interwiki link | Redirect | Variable | Category
Tracking changes: Recent | (enhanced) | Related | Watching pages | Page history | Diff | User contributions | Edit summary | Minor edit
Logging in and preferences: Logging in | Preferences | User style
Editing: Overview | New page | Images/files | Image description page | Special characters | Formula | Table | EasyTimeline | Template intro | Renaming (moving) a page | Automatic conversion of wikitext | Talk page | Testing | rlc

Copies of this page on other projects: Meta (master page) | Wikibooks | Wikicommons | Wikinews | Wikipedia | Wikiquote | Wikisource | Wiktionary | For other languages see Meta

This page is a copy of the master help page at Meta, with project-specific templates inserted. To change it, either edit the master help page for all projects at m:Help:H:f Help, or edit the project-specific text at Template:Phh:H:f Help (the extra text at the top of this help page) and Template:Ph:H:f Help (the extra text at the bottom, before the links to other help pages). You are welcome to copy the exact wikitext from the master page at Meta and paste it into this page at any time.

This template is part of the Wikipedia project rather than the encyclopaedic content, and therefore is self-referential.
