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adihtan- Barack Obama (in biliðe) ƿierþ 44a, and formest Affricamericanisc foresittend, þāra Ȝeānlǣhtra Rīċu American.
- Rupiah Banda þǣre Ȝedrīf for Mæniȝra-Ferscipa ƿierþ ȝecoren Foresittend Zambian.
- Lewis Hamilton ȝeƿinþ þone 2008 Formula One Drīfera Orettscipe, oferdrāf Felipe Massa þurh āne mearce.
- Sébastien Loeb þæs Citroën sylhðes ƿierþ se forma drīfere tō ȝeƿinnenne þone World Rally Orettscipe fīftan sīðe on ende.
- Se Ƿederfæreldliċ Ærnsōcne Ānhād þǣre Lārscōle Ēastra Engla mǣrsaþ clȳsendliċ tācn of human involvement in the warming of Antarctica.
- Talu Ūtsprengunga in Assame, Indian cƿelþ forhƿǣȝa 77 and dereþ 470.
- Viswanathan Anand of Indian ȝeƿinþ ƿiþ Russlandes Vladimir Kramnike, hieldeþ his tītul sƿā se Ƿoruld Scēactæfl Oretta.
- Æfter fēoƿer dagum hefiȝre ċempunge mid Ȝeānlǣhtra Þēoda friþhealdunge ƿerode in Kivƿe, Lēodƿeardliċu Cyneƿīse þæs Congo, ƿiðersacende heretoga Laurent Nkunda bīedeþ blinnscēotunge.
- In baseball, oferdrifon þā Philadelphia Phillies þā Tampa Bay Rays, ȝeƿunnon þæt 2008 Ƿoruldgamen.