
<< Wēodmōnaþ 2007 >>
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Þis bisen hæfþ fruman of {{WēodmōnaþGerīmbōc2007Fruma}}, and cymþ of þǣm bisnum for þǣm mōnþum of 2006.


  • Sēo winstre arwe bindeþ tō Mǣdmōnþe 2007 (æfterþǣm þe man hine scōp);
  • Þæt mōnaþbred bindeþ tō Wēodmōnþe 2007 (ditto);
  • Sēo swīðre arwe bindeþ tō Hāligmōnþe 2007 (ditto);
  • Þā dagas bindaþ tō ǣlcum dæges syndrigum gewrite.
  • Þā rēmiscan rīm bindaþ tō þǣm 2007 (MMVII) gewrite, būtan þǣm þe hīe sind eftflōwende gesewen mid þǣre
    Arabisces-rīmes wrītunge þæs gēares æt þǣm toppe.