
(Edlǣded of Bysenmōtung:Ríce)

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James: good correction of a few spelling mistakes, and good to make spelling on the site uniform, too. Someone should change all the pages that use the template, or their landboxes will not display right.

Also, some of the vocabulary is now incorrect.

Such as Mǽþ: it does not mean position in a series. It means respect or worthiness (see below, "rank" here means the respect due a person). Grád is correct, but if you eschew Latin-loan words, then we can use Stæpe, which means exactly the same as the Latin and which can be used to show position (step) in a series.

And also Micelness: it does not mean surface area. It means largeness, as in mass. (No one is heaping up a country's mass.) Landefn is correct, since we are talking here about the proportion of land, and about its resources, such as water (see below). If you still don't like that word the old English used for some reason, we could use "landes brádness" although that's a bit long.

I am uncertain what you mean by "Getalu foreríma feorspreceres be lande." Do telephone callers have numerical prefixes? If you thought that feorsprecung was too long or awkward, we can use "feorspræc" or "'feorspræce'" (in genitive).

--Walda 17:48, 17 Mǽdmónaþ 2005 (UTC)

References for above

stæpe, stepe, es; pl. stæpas, stapas, stæpe; m. IV. a degree :-- Hád oððe stæpe (stepe) gradus, Ælfc. Gr. 11; Zup. 79, 9. Positivus is se forma stæpe (stepe), comparativus is se óðer stæpe (stepe), superlativus is se ðridda stæpe (stepe), 5; Zup. 15, 20. Synd þrý stæpas gecorenra manna. Se nyðemysta stæpe ... Se óðer stæpe is on wydewan háde ... Se héhsta stæpe is on mægðhádes mannum, Homl. Th. ii. 70, 17-23: 94, 15. Be ðám twelf stæpum eáðmódnesse. Ðære forman eáðmódnysse stæpe is, R. Ben. 23, 16. Seofon stapas sindon háligra háda ... Ðone forman stæpe béte man mid áne punde ... Æt ðam ódrum stæpe twá pund tó bóte ... Æt ðam þriddan stæpe, etc., L. E. B. 1-8; Th. ii. 240, 242. [O. Frs. stap: O. H. Ger. stapfo passus, gradus, incessus, vestigium.] v. in-, on-stæpe; ord-stapu (read -stæpe); in-stæpe, -stæpes.

micel-ness, e; f. I. greatness, bigness, size :-- Stánas on pysna mycelnysse stones the size of peas, Herb. 180, l ; Lchdm. i. 314, 22: Blickl. Homl. 181, 21. Se cláð wæs swíðe gemæ-acute;te hire micelnysse the garment was exactly adapted to her size, Homl. Skt. 7, 157. His micel-nesse ne maeg nan man ámetan, Bt. 42 ; Fox 258, 12. II. greatness (of quantity), multitude, abundance :-- Ðá wæs geworden mid ðam engle mycelnes'(mu ltitud o) heofonlices werydes, Lk. Skt. 2, 13. Ne meahton asecgan for ðæs leóhtes mycelnesse, Blickl. Homl. 145, 14. Æfter micelnisse ðínre mildheortnisse, Num. 14, 19. HI. greatness, magnificence :-- Micylnys magnificentia, Ps. Spl. C. 8, 2. [n micelnisse in magnificentia; in mikelnes, Ps. . Surt. 28, 4. On mycelnysse earmes ðínes in magniludine brachii hit, Cant. Moys. 16 : Ps. Spl. 78, 12. Us weorþ þuruh ðíne mycelne sse ínilde and blíðe, Ps. Th. 66, Sancte Johannes mycelnesse se Hæ-acute;lend sylfa tacn sægde, Blickl. Homl. 167, 17. [Wick, michelnes: O. H. Ger. michil-nessi

micelnes [] f (-se/-sa) greatness, size; mass; quantity; multitude, abundance; magnificence; great deed

landefn [] n (-es/-) the resources of the land, measure or proportion of land

brád-nes, -ness, -nis, -niss, -nys, -nyss, e; f. [brád broad, large, -nes, -nis, -nys -ness] BROADNESS, extent, largeness, surface; latitudo, amplitudo, facies, superficies :-- Se ródor belýcþ on his bósme ealle eorþan brádnysse the firmament incloses in its bosom all the extent of the earth, Hexam. 5; Norm. 8, 27. Se wæ-acute;ta, gyf hit sealt byþ of ðære sæ-acute;, byþ þurh ðære lyfte brádnysse to ferscum wæ-acute;tan awend the moisture, if it is salt from the sea, is turned into fresh water through the extent of the atmosphere, Bd. de nat. rerum; Wrt. pop1. science 19, 3, 27; Lchdm. iii. 278, 11; 280, 14. Gehérde me on tobræ-acute;dednesse oððe on brádnesse Drihten exaudivit me in latitudine Dominus, Ps. Lamb. 117, 5. Salomone forgeaf God brádnysse heortan God gave Solomon largeness [or liberality] of heart, Homl. Th. ii. 576, 29. Þeóstru wæ-acute;ron ofer ðære niwelnisse brádnisse tenebræ erant super faciem abyssi, Gen. 1, 2. Ðære eorþan brádnis wæs adrúwod exsiccata esset superficies terra, 8, 13. Byþ ðære eorþan brádnys betweox us and ðære sunnan the surface of the earth is between us and the sun, Bd. de nat. rerum; Wrt. popl. science 5, 8; Lchdm. iii. 240, 14. Sumes þinges brádnyss the surface of something; superficies, Ælfc. Gr, 47; Som. 48, 47. Án wyll asprang of ðære eorþan, wætriende ealre ðære eorþan brádnysse fons ascendebat e terra, irrigans universam superficiem terræ, Gen. 2, 6.

mǽþ [] 1. f (-e/-a) measure, degree, proportion, rate; honor, respect, reverence; what is meet, right, fitness, ability, virtue, goodness; lot, state, rank; 2. n (-es/maðu) cutting of grass

Example. Copy while ádihtend from {{ and down. Then modify as necessary.

[[Biliþ:{{{ansīen_fana}}}|125px|{{{rīces_fana}}}]] [[Biliþ:{{{ansīen_scild}}}|125px|{{{rīces_scild}}}]]
([[{{{rīces_fana}}}|Fana]]) ([[{{{rīces_scild}}}|Scild]])
Þēodlic cƿide: {{{cƿide}}}
Þēodlic antefn: {{{antefn}}}
Ambihtlicu sprǣc {{{ambihtlicu_sprǣc}}}
- Hǣrarōd
[[{{{stōƿ_burga}}}|{{{nama_hēafodburga}}}]] {{{hēafodburg}}}
- {{{nemninga_hēafodƿīsena}}}
Ǣƿfæstnes {{{ǣƿfæstnes}}}
- Gerīm
- Ƿæter (%)
{{{brādnesse_stæpe}}}a stæpe
{{{brādnesse_gerīm}}} km²
- Hēafodgerīm ([[{{{hēafodgerīm_gēarlang}}}]])
- Þiccnes
{{{hēafodgerīmes_stæpe}}}a stæpe
{{{hēafodgerīm}}} būenda
377 būend/km²
Þēodstefn {{{lēodscipe}}}
- {{{cynn_selfdōmes}}}
Þēodlic ymen {{{þēodlic_ymen}}}
Feoh Pund steorlinga (£) ({{{rīmung_fēos}}})
Tīdgyrdel UTC {{{tīdgyrdel}}}
Betƿuxnettes lēodstafas {{{betwuxnettes_lēodstafas}}}
Feorspræcan forerīm +{{{feorspræcan_forerīm}}}
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