Ceorla Wudu is þorp on Heortfordscire suðwesternum dæl. Ðes ðorp lið in Misburnan dene. He hæfþ brad folcland þæt bewriehþ 200 æcceras and þæron is his criccetfeld.

Ceorla Wudu
Scir: Heortfordscīr
Feorrspreca forerim: 01923
Ærendrun: WD3
Stowlicu toþegnung
Læppa: Three Rivers

Twa cirican þære Angelcirican hæfþ Ceorla Wudu: Halgan Andreas in þæm dene and Eall Halgan se stend be þæs folclandes ecg.

Hludwæter is Ceorla Wudes berewic (for æhtwelig mannum in miclum husum) and stent in holte geond M25 se wægnweg.