
(Edlǣded of Ciwi)

Fiðerlēaseras oþþe kiƿifugolas (on Nīƿum Englisce hāteþ kiwi) sind flihtlēase fugolas ful ānlīce ƿuniende Nīƿum Sǣlande, on þǣre cnōsle Apteryx and þǣre cnēorise Apterygidae.

How to read a taxoboxWikipǣdia:How to read a taxobox
How to read a taxobox
Cræftlicu endebyrdung
Rīce: Animalia
Stefn: Chordata
Flocc: Aces
Hād: Struthioneformes
Cnēoris: Apterygidae
Cnōsl: Apteryx

Nēahlīce sƿā grēat sƿā hūscicen sind fiðerlēaseras ēaðe þā læstan lifigendan botmbānlēasan fogulas, and hī lecgaþ þā mǣstan ægru andefen heora līcmicelnesse.[1] Þǣr sind fīfe oncnāƿnu gesundrodlicu cynn, eall þāra þe sind frēcslod; eall cynn habbaþ gebēon yfellīce derod fram stǣrlicre ƿudufellunge ac nū sind grēat brǣdo heora ƿudulandes ƿell beorged in sparodum landum and rīciscum landgeardum; hērrihte se mǣsta þrēat ƿiþ heora alibbunge is sēo hērgung anƿadendra hērgienda.

Se fiðerlēasere is folclic tācn Nīƿes Sǣlandes - sōþlīce, se framscipe is sƿā strang þæt þæt ƿord Kiwi (þæt Nīƿneglisce ƿord tō "fiðerlēasere") is gebrocen ofer ƿorulde tō folclicum þēodnamanNīƿsǣlanderum.


  1. San Diego Zoo