Cwidbōc, ēac bīspellbōc gehāten, is bōc in þǣre Biblioþēcan. Hēo hæfþ bīspell þǣrinn.
Bēc þǣre Ealdan Gecȳþnesse (For details see Biblical canon) |
Hebrēisc Biblioþēce oþþe Tanakh Gemǣne tō Iudēadōme and Crīstendōme |
Befangen fram Rihtgelēaffulum and Rōmāniscum Eallgelēaffullum, ac betȳned fram Iudēum, Twihycgendum, and ōðrum Crīstenum tōdǣlednessum:
Included by Orthodox (Synod of Jerusalem):
Included by Russian and Ethiopian Orthodox: |
Included by Ethiopian Orthodox: |
Included by Syriac Peshitta Bible:
Þis gewrit is stycce. Þu most Wikipædie mid ætiecunge .