Cynedōmtīd is gelēafþēawisc tīd, þe sēo Geānlǣhte Endebyrdnesse Cirice cēpþ in þǣm hærfeste, ānlīce in þǣm Geānlǣhtum Rīcum, and suma ōðra Oncweðenda cirican.

Endebyrdnesse Cirican/Hrēamisc brūcung


In þǣm 1937 gēare, þæt Federal Council of Churches (nū gehāten þæt National Council of Churches (on Englisce "Rīcwīd Witenagemōt Ciricena") forþhēt þæt þæt fulle dǣl þǣre Crīstnan consulabēc betweox Pentecostene and Tōcyme bēo gehāten Cynedōmtīd; nā þȳ læs, twǣm gēarum þǣræfter sēo Endebyrdnesse Bisceopa Cirice brēac þæt word efne under þǣre ōðerre healfe þisre tīman lengðe.

Efene nȳdbrȳcas tō amearcienne þǣr Cynedōmtīd underginnþ sind missenlice in missenlicum stōwum. Se gemǣnostaa þēaw is tō underginnenne þone tīman on þǣm Sunnandæge on oþþe nīehst Weodmōnaðes 31 dæge, þe giefþ Cynedōmtīde 13 Sunnandagas ǣlces gēares; in sumum stōwum, Cynedōmtīd is undergunnen on þǣm æftermestan Sunnandæge Woedmōnaðes, giefende þǣm tīman 13 Sunnandagas in sumum gēarum and 14 in ōðerum. Se æftermesta Sunnandæg Cynedōmtīde is gewunelīce geset for þǣm Symbele Crīstes and þæs Cyninges.

Se gelēafþēaw Cynedōmtīde seteþ hefignesse on holdnesse and helpe þǣm earmum, wiþ þone forestependan tīman Pentecostenes, þǣr gāstlicre ǣrend is gifen hefignesse. Grēnu scrūd sind geboren tō cirican þegnunge under Cynedōmtīde, þe standaþ on stedum þāra rēadena þe sind gebrocen in þǣm Pentecostenes tīman (in ciricum þe ne oncnǣwaþ Cynedōmtīd swā gesundorlic tīma, grēne is gewunelīce gebrocen geond þæt fulle fæc betwēonan Pentecostene and Tōcyme).