Dēmenda Gemōt þæs Sundorgeþinges

Se Dēmenda Gemōt þæs Sundorgeþinges is one dēmera hēap se is þæs Sundorgeþinges dæl. He hine healdeþ swa swa se hēasta dōmærn þæs rīces þærin stent he toefnes þæm Ealdordōmærn þæs Geānedan Cynerīces. Se Ealdordōmærnes hierþ hālsunge wið dōm in eallum sace and sōce and manrihte in þæm rīce inlendlice and þæt Sundorgeþing, þurh his Dēmeda Gemōt, hæfþ his scīr onmang þæm eallum Bryttisce Ofersǣwiscum Landscipum, behangendum landum þære Cwēne and in ælcum Elisabeþe rīce þæt næfþ gestaþoleden his agan yttremesta dōmærn, and ēac þan hālseþ man wiþ dōm þāra gyldum mid cynelicum bōcum oððe þāra ercebiscopa dōmærn þæs Angelcirican.[1][2]

Þā Cynelican Wæpnas in þæs gemōtes nytte

Se Dēmenda Gemōt wæs be þæm Dēmenda Gemōte Gesetnesse of 1833 in þæm Sundorgeþing gestaðoled þe he hēore hālsung ær gehierd be þæm Cyninge-in-Geþinge.


  1. P.A. Howell, The Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, 1833–1876: Its Origins, Structure, and Development, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1979
  2. Section 2 The Jurisdiction of the Judicial Committee I. Commonwealth Jurisdiction Archived 2015-12-22 at the Wayback Machine, jcpc.gov.uk