Fermangh is Bretta scīr on Norðernum Īrum. Þāra siexe scīrena þisses underrīces is Fermanagh anhaga būton stāþe on Neamere, ac hēo hæfþ for hiere lofe tƿegen brāda meras and beorhta, Hēah Ernesmere and Niðer Ernesmere, fiscƿelig and īegƿelig hƿæron comon manig menn þā hēr to seglian georn.

Hiere naman hæfþ Fermanagh of þære Scyttiscum sprǣce and is Fir Managh, þæt is þā Managingas.
Þære scīre hēafodburg is Enniskillen sēo stent onmiddan þæm ƿætrum, betƿuh strēamum þære Erne ēa. Nān micel tūn hæfþ þēos scīr ellesƿīs.