Gōs (mid þǣm manigfealdum sceape gēs) is ƿæterfugol. Þǣr sind manig cynn gōsa, ac sume fuglas þā habbaþ þæt ƿord tō dǣle heora naman ne sind sōþlīce gēs, þēah þe hīe sind gelīce gōsum. Ƿeras þæs cynnes hātaþ "gandran".
adihtanÞæt ƿord gōs cymþ fram Ǣrindoeuropiscum stocce, *ghans-. On Germaniscum sprǣcum (būton Englisce), se stocc ƿæs on Hēahgermanisce Gans ("gōs"), Gänse ("gēs"), and Ganter ("gandra") and on Ealdnorðisce gās. Þis ƿord ēac ƿæs on Liþþuanisce žąsìs, Īrisce gé (þe mǣneþ sƿann, fram þǣm Ealdīriscan ƿorde géiss), on Lǣdne anser, on Ealdcrēcise chēn, on Albanisce gatë (þe mǣneþ hrāgra), on Sanskrite hamsá, on Afestisce zāō, on Polisce gęś, on Russisce гусь (þe mann sægþ "gusc"), and on Cecisce husa.