Īrisc fōtþōðer

(Edlǣded of Gaelic football)

Īrisc fōtþōðer (hāteþ on Nīwum Englisce Gaelic football and on Nīwum Īrisce Peil) is hiw fōtþōðres þe is oftost gepleged on Īrum. Hē, ēac Īriscre torfunge, is ān þāra tweora folclīcostena plegena on Īrum.[1]

Īrisces fōtþōðres plega

Man plegeþ Īrisc fōtþōðer mid twǣm hēapum fīftīen plegenda on langlīcum fēowerscītum felda mid twǣm rōdum æt ǣlcum ende mid lecge betweoh him tō getælgeate. Man ēacnaþ þæt getæl þurh þā forþsendunge þæs full seonowealtan þōðres þurh þæt getælgeat mid oþþe handa oþþe fēt. Se hēap þe hæbbe þæt mǣste getæl æt plegan ende winne. Plegendas lǣdaþ þone þōðer forþ on felda þurh þā berunge, fōthebbunge, spornunge, and handweorpunge þæs þōðres tō hēapgefērum.

Hē is be dǣle gelīc Australiscum fōþþōðre. Man plegeþ geondrīciscne fōtþōðer tō gemengednesse Īrisces fōtþōðres and Australisces fōtþōðres.

Fruman adiht

  1. Archive copy. Writen fram the original on 2006-05-26. Begieten on 2012-03-18.