(Edlǣded of Gealdor stafas)
Þis geƿrit hæfþ ƿordcƿide on Nīƿenglisce. |
In medieval Īsland ƿǣron mæniga gealdorstafas oþþe rūnlīcu tācnu þǣrtō ƿurdon gealdordǣda him gegīefen.
- Gapaldur and Ginfaxi ƿǣron tƿā stafas, in þǣm scōm gehealden, gapaldur under þone hōh þæs rihtan fōtes and ginfaxi under þā tān þæs ƿinstran fōtes, sige in būtum Īslandisces ƿrestling (glíma) tō gīefenne mid gealdorcræfte.
- Egeshelm, helm eȝes; to induce fear and to protect against abuse of power
- nábrókarstafur, necropants
- Þēofstæf, ƿif þēofas (fram 17a ȝēarhundredum medical ȝeƿrit, am 434a 12mo, in þǣm Arnemagnean Collection in Reykjavík).
- angurgapi
- veiðistafur for fiscoðe
- kaupaloki, to prosper in trade and business (19a ȝēarhundred ȝeƿrit)
- vatnahlífir, protection against drowning
- brýnslustafir, for sharpening knives
- draumstafir, to dream what your heart desires
- varnarstafur valdemars
- óttastafur, to induce fear
- dreprún, fēondes feoh cƿellan (fram 17a ȝēarhundredum grimoire, in the Antikvarisk-Topografiska Arkivet in Stockholm.)
- feingur, to make a woman pregnant
- lásabrjótur, to open a lock without a key
- að fá stúlku, to get a girl
- hólastafur, to open hills
- stafur til að vekja upp draug, to invoke ghosts and evil spirits
- rosahringur minni, a lesser circle of protection
- máladeilan, to win in court (from a 19th century manuscript, lbs 4375 8vo, in the National Bōcgaderian in Reykjavík.)
- stafur gegn galdri, against witchcraft (from a 17th century manuscript, lbs 143 8vo, in the National Bōcgaderian in Reykjavík.)
- við höfðingja reiði, ƿiþ ƿræþ of chieftains (fram 17a gēarhundredum medical treatise, am 434a 12mo, in the Arnemagnean Collection.)
- tóustefna, to ward off foxes (from a 19th century manuscript, lbs 4375 8vo, in the National Bōcgaderian in Reykjavík.)
- smjörhnútur, butterknot (to ensure butter is real)
Ūtanƿeard bindas
adihtanSēo ēac