Se Irac Cyning (Arabisc: ملك العراق, Mālik al-‘Irāq), ƿas Iraces cyning fram 1921 oð 1958 and in þæm geare aƿearp se heres hēafodman Iraces endmesta cyning, se ƿæs Faisal II.

Iraces Cynelica Scild

Þrēo cyningas ricsoden on Irace of þæm rīces onfeng in 1921, and hie ƿæron of þæm Hascim Cynecynn.

Æfter þære Forme Ƿoruldgūþ aliesede þæt Oþomanisce Rīce, and missenlice underrīce þæs ealda rīce of feallen under Bryttiscum ƿealde. Brettas sceapen of Mesopatamie and þæm niehstan land Irac þæt land. Se landfolc rebelled ƿiþ hiera nīƿa hlāfordas and Brettas brōhtedan æþeling of Arabean þe he biþ cyning on Irace and hine ƿealde under Bryttiscum oferhlāfordscipe. Þes æþeling ƿæs Faisal se ƿæs Husseines sunu of Hejaz þæm rīce þæs cyningas ƿæron Mahometes ierfan. Man secgþ þe manig menn þā ƿæron Sci'ia-ƿare and Curdas lāðedon þās elelendiscan Hascemingas, þā ƿæron Sunni-ƿare.

In 1958 feall Irac se Cynerīce in sƿicdōme.

Irac Cyningas (1921–1958)

Cyninges Cumbol
Cyning Līf Cynedōm Gelicnes
Faisal I
فيصل الأول
20 Þrimilcemōnaþ 1883 – 8 Hāligmōnaþ 1933 23 Ƿēodmōnaþ 1921 - 8 Hāligmōnaþ 1933 Ærror ƿæs he Syria Cyning in 1920
Faisal I Irac Cyning
Ghazi I
غازي الأول
21 Hrēþmōnaþ 1912 – 4 Ēastermōnaþ 1939 8 Hāligmōnaþ 1933 - 4 Ēastermōnaþ 1939 Faisaling
Ghazi I Irac Cyning
Faisal II
فيصل الثاني
2 Þrimilcemōnaþ 1935 – 14 Mǣdmōnaþ 1958 4 Ēastermōnaþ 1939 – 14 Mǣdmōnaþ 1958
(aƿeorpen and geslēan)
Faisal II Irac Cyning

