Karl Marx (Niwenglisc: Carl Mærx) (ƿæs geboren þæs 5. Þrimilcemōnðes þæs 1818. - cƿæl þæs 14. Hrēðmōnðes þæs 1883.) ƿæs ūþƿita, feohƿendungƿita, gefērscipƿita, tīdunge cȳðend, and full acyrrendlic efnungrǣdes fyrðrend fram Germania. Karles geƿritu ymb feohƿendunge ƿǣron se staðol fela þǣre understandinge þissa daga ymb sƿinc and his gesibnesse mid ǣhtgeƿealde and ēac se staðol fela æfterƿeardes þōhtes ymb feohƿendunge. Hē geypte fela bōca on his līfe, ge þæt Gemǣnǣhtrǣdlice Gebann (þæs 1848. gēares) ge Ǣhtgeƿeald (fram þǣm 1867. gēare ōþ þæt 1894.).

Karl Marx þæs 1875. gēares

Seoh ēac
