Ȝetæl nīƿra ƿorda and earfoðra ƿorda

  • cnāƿlǣcunȝ (authentic) - acknowledgement, "award"
  • forma sanȝ - number one song
  • fricdrēam - dance (music genre)
  • full sƿēȝhord - album
  • ȝeoȝoþfolcdrēam - pop music
  • mæȝþhlōþ - girl group
  • mǣlȝēomordrēam - R&B
  • mǣlȝēomordrēamƿīse - R&B style
  • Sūþcorēisc - South Korean
  • sƿēȝhord - recording, album

word choice


How're you using 'gegyldan'/'gegylden' in this article? The root word, gegieldan is a strong verb (gegieldeþ, gegeald/geguldon, gegolden) meaning yield, pay, give, requite.' I'm just having a bit of a time understanding the article. Thanks!! --JJohnson1701 (talk) 17:06, 28 Wēodmōnaþ 2014 (UTC)

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