Mōtung:Vladimír Franz

Getæl nīwra worda and earfoðra worda

Note that in this list: "ȝ"=IPA "j", "ċ"=IPA "t͡ʃ", "sċ"=IPA "ʃ", and "ċȝ"=IPA "d͡ːʒ".
Note that etymologies or rationales for the Old English neologisms should be put after the Modern English translation in square brackets, like so:
  • fȳrƿǣpen (sn) - firearm, gun [calque of "firearm"]
Abbreviations used are: sm/sn/sf = strong masculine/neuter/feminine; wm/wn/wf = weak masculine/neuter/feminine; indecm/indecn/indecf = indeclinable masculine/neuter/feminine; w-dec. = w-declension; u-dec. = u declension; i-mut. = i-mutated; pl. = plural; aj = adjective; desc. = modifier for a noun (a "describer") other than an adjective; av = adverb; w1/w2/w3 = weak verb class; s1/s2/.../s7b = strong verb class.
  • ǣfæst (aj) drēamwafung (sf) - oratorio ["religious opera"]
  • ċēosung (sf) - election [authentic, literally "a choosing"]
  • drēamwafung (sf) - opera ["music play"]
  • drēamwrītere (sm) - composer ["music-writer"]
  • eormangyld (sn) - university ["universal guild"]
  • foresittend (sm) - president [calque of "president"]
  • hȳde (desc.) mearcung (sf) - tattoo ["skin marking"]
  • īwungspell (sn) - movie ["showing-story"]
  • lang (aj) weorodsang (sm) - symphony ["long group-song"]
  • lofbēacen (sn) - award ["glory-beacon"; made after the pattern of authentic "siȝebēacen" - "victory beacon"]
  • nambēċ (av desc.) ȝewriten (aj) - registered [authentic words]
  • sealtungwafung (sf) - ballet ["dance-play"]
  • sēċend (sm) - candidate, attempter [literally "attempter"]
  • sōðre cȳðunge (desc.) īwungspell (sn) - documentary (film) ["true information film"]
  • sprǣċwafung (sf) mid dǣle drēames (desc.) - musical (play) ["speech-play with a portion of music"]
  • þēodbrēme (aj) - famous on a national level ["nation-famous"]
  • tīenȝēare (sn) - decade ["ten-year"; made after the model of authentic "þriȝēare"]
  • tīduntgcȳðend (sm) - journalist ["news-declarer"]
  • wafung (sf) - theatrical play [authentic with meaning of "spectacle"; was used in many theatre-related compounds]
  • wafungwyrhta (wm) - playwright
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