Missouri (Englisc: Misseōra) is rīce þāra Geāndena Rīca American. Man hāteþ hine for þǣre Missouriēa, þe hæfþ hire naman from þǣm Ƿīnlandinlendiscan Missouriscan folce. Se nama cymþ fram ƿorde þe mǣneþ "hīe þā habbaþ trēoƿnu bātinclu".[1]

—  rīce þāra Geāndena Rīca American  —

Motto: Salus populi suprema lex esto
Ēacnama: The Show Me State

Land  Geānedu Rīcu America
Hēafodstōl Gefersūnesburh
Underfangennes in Gaderunge 10 Weodmonað 1821
Ambihtlicu sprǣc no value
Rīcesreccend Mike Parson
• gerīm
• ƿæter

181,533.0 km²
1.39 %
Hīehþu 240 m
Hīehst ārǣrnes Taum Sauk Mountain
Niðemest ārǣrnes St. Francis River
• būend

6,154,913 būenda
Tīdgyrdel UTC−06:00, Central Time Zone, America/Chicago
ISO 3166-2 US-MO
Webstede Webstede
Logo Wikimedia Commons Missouri Commons
Þis cyþþubox hæfþ Wikidata wihta

Missouri ligþ on þǣm middelan ƿesternan dǣle þāra Geāndena Rīca. His hēafodstōl is Gefersūnesburh, and þurh hine flōƿaþ sēo Mississippiēa and sēo Missouriēa.

Marketstrǣt on Hermanbyrig



Missouri hæfð fūhtiende ƿorulddǣlic medumƿeder. Þæt ƿeder is ceald mid besnīƿodum ƿintrum and hāt mid fūhtiendum sumorum. Hærfest and lencten sind oft unfæste. On sūðdǣlum þæs rīces, syndriglīce on þǣm "Bootheel" oððe “Scōhhōh,” þæt medumƿeder nēan underƿearmgeardlic ƿierð. Onmiddan dǣle þāra Geāndena Rīca American, Missouri hæfð hƿīlum heard oððe hefelic medumƿeder. Būton hēagum beorgum oððe gārsecgum, þæt rīce is mid þǣm ƿindum fram þǣm Norðdǣle and Caribiscan Sǣ eāðe geƿealden.

Seo Current eā on sūþdǣle þæs rīces

Dēor and Ƿyrte


Manige cynn dēora and ƿyrtena ƿuniaþ on Missouri. Ðǣr is fersc ƿæter on eām and on merum sƿilce Missouri eā, Mississippi eā, and þǣm mere þǣra Osarcena (Lake of the Ozarks). Ðǣr sind ēac brāde hyllas and æceras benorðan þǣre Missouri eā. Besūþan þǣre eā, findeþ man ƿudu, hyllas, and hlǣƿ.

Ǣfenglōm þǣre Cǣnsasbyrig

Mǣsta Byrig


Þā fīf mǣstan byrig on Missouri sind Cǣnsasburg, Hālgaluis, Spryngfeld, Sundorrīcehād oððe "Independence", and Columbia.[2]


  1. Michael McCafferty: Correction: Etymology of Missouri. In: American Speech, 79. Vol, 1. Issue, Lenctenes þæs 2004. gēares, on þǣm 32. tramete
  2. "Annual Estimates of the Population for Incorporated Places in Missouri". United States Census Bureau. Retrieved 2008-07-12.
  Geānedu Rīcu American
Rīcu AlabamaArcǣnsaĀrrisonaCǣnsasCaliforniaCentuccīgColoradoConnecticutDelaƿareĒalascæFermuntFirginiæFloridaGeorgiaGnebrāsgaGnefadaHaƿaiiHloðwigeanneHƿæsingatūnHƿīomingeIdahoIllinoisIndiǣnaIoƿaMæsċūtsitsMaineMarianlandMisceganMinnesotaMississippiMisseōraMuntǣnaNīƿe CēsarēaNīƿe EoforƿīcNīƿe MexicoNīƿu HāmtūnscīrNorþcarolīnaNorþdacotaOhioOclahomaOrēgūnPennƿudlandRhode ĪegSūþcarolīnaSūþdacotaTennesīegTexasŪtaǷestfirginiæǷisconsin
Þoftscipes Scīr Columbie scīr
Īeglice landscipas Americānisc SamoaBæceres īegCyngman sǣhrycgGuamHōhlandes īegIaruises īegĪega of IdesumIohanneses tūn atollMidƿeg atollNauassa īegNorþerne Māriana ĪeglandPalmyra atollPort RīclondǷacan īeg
Byrig on þǣm Misseōra

ǢffallamhanBeallgewinnanBlewespyrngesCǣnsasburgĊeasterfeldColumbȳaĊyriċeƿuduEormengyldceasterFloryschenburhFrȳdōmbyrgGefersūnesburhGlædstānGrauntfeweHæselwuduHleosometHraþetūnJoeblinLiberteeMarianlandhiehþuNæssgirardēaSanct CeorlesburgSanct HloðwigesburgSanct IoseftūnSanct PetresburgSpryngfeldǷentstūnǷildeƿudu