
(Edlǣded of Mobile phone)

Handsprecend (hāteþ on Nīƿum Enȝlisce cellphone) is searu þe cann dōn feorrsprǣce þurh ūtƿeorphlencan ofer brādan ȝearde. Hē dēþ þæt þurh hlencan tō clēofūtƿeorpnettƿeorce þe is arēdod fram clēofūtƿeorparēdiende, þe þafaþ tōȝanȝ tō folclīcum feorrsprecenda nettƿeorce.

Searusprecend “Samsung Galaxy Z Flip/Fold”

Fela nīƿlīcra handsprecenda sind be dǣle ȝelīc þēaƿspearctellende. Hīe habbaþ mā cræfta þonne ōðre handsprecendas. Sƿilce handsprecendas sind searusprecendas.

Seoh ēac
