Brǣdu and Lengu: Coordinates: Unable to parse latitude as a number:{{{brædu}}}
{{#coordinates:}}: invalid latitude

Rōd Hǣþ (Niwenglisc: Rode Heath) is tūnstede in burhscipe prēostscīr Oddas Rōd and in Ēast Ceasterscīr anfealdan læppan.[1] Eac in sēo tōþegnung ealdscīr Ceasterscīr in Englaland. Neahtūn is Eleacier. 2001 landwaru rædenn secgende Rōd Hǣþ hæbedon 2,150 menn[2], ac 2016 getæl wæs nēan 1,943[3]. On eald, Rōd Hǣþ wæs twegen tūnstedeas, Rōd Hǣþ and Þyrelwudu. Nū ānne tūnstede Rōd Hǣþ. gegaderung forþæm þe niwe hūs-betimbran.

Rōd Hǣþ
—  tūnstede  —
Land  Geāned Cynerīce
Underrice Cheshire East
Sprecungrim 01270
Logo Wikimedia Commons Rōd Hǣþ Commons
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References adiht

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