RMS Titanic
RMS Titanic wæs ān Bryttisc faremennlīc holmscip āhte fram se Hwīt Steorra Līne hwelc besanc in se Norþ Westsæ on se feōwertieneþa of ēastermōnaþ in se gear 1912. Māra þænne ān þūsend and fif hundred menn swulton in se brohþrea, macaþ hit ān of se bealo brohþreas in sælīc gerecednes.
adihtanSe Titanic wæs eahta hundred and hundeahtatig twa fēt in lengþu and hundnigontig and twa fēt þweorh. Hēo gewæg feowertig thousand and syx thousand gross registered tonnes wiþ a dræht of þritig feower fēt. Se Titanic hæfd tīen þæcu, eahta of hwelc wæron for se notu of faremenn.
Se Titanic hæfdon manig firenlustful rūmas on bord. Mæst of se hlīsful rūmas wæron for se feorst gecynd faremenn, gelīc se hlīsful Micellīc Stæger, ġesċēawode in nēar eall mētinga of se Titanic. Se stægr wæron gemacod of āc. Faremenn bestopen upon bord of linoleum upp to an dægmæl. Þis dægmæl bær se Niew Ænglisc noma of "Honour and Glory: Crowning Time".
Se feorst gecynd faremenn æton in se Feorst Gecynd Beodern, an ānlīþig flet bold getyned wiþ bredu of āc getīefred hwīt. Se flor wæs wiþ blāw tigelan of linoleum.
Niwu Word
adihtanÞis gewrit hæfþ niwu word. Man ah þis getæl mid eallum niwum wordum and her gebrocenum ican. This article contains new words. All new words used here should be added to this list.
Fareman (n) - Passenger
Faremennlīc (adj) - Passenger (as in Passenger Liner)
Holmscip (n) - Ocean Liner
Firenlustful (adj) - Luxurious