Scræling Adrāf Gesetnes

Seo Scræling Adrāf Gesetnes of 1830 wæs gesetnesse þæs Mōtes þāra Geānedra Rīca American þæron sealde Andreas Jackson Foresittend his hand. Þeos gnsetnes bannede landscipe wrixel þærbe eall Scrælingas þa abad in hiera folcum sculon beon adrifen westweard to niwum landscipum ofer Mississippi þære ea.

In Jacksones ambehte (1829–1837) and his æftergengena, Martin Van Buren (1837–1841) mar þonn 60,000 Scrælinga be niede for westweard in hiere fylcumto niwum landum teofroden him. Ðy wæron ða riciu be easten Mississipi geæmetigod of Scrælingum.

Ðeos færenness hat 'se Wopdropena Paþ, and on ðisse pað stearfon manig.