Searoburg is Ƿiltūnscīre hēafodstede.
Tƿegen stedas sind Searoburg; Ealde Searoburg (Niwenglisc: Old Sarum) and Nīƿe Searoburg (Niwenglisc: Salisbury oððe New Sarum).
Ealde Searoburg
adihtanEalde Searoburg stōd fram ǣr Rōmƿare cƿōm on Bretene. Hit is micel beorgburg, ādelfon mid dēopum dicum and hēam ƿeallum. Hiere nama on Bretƿealum is Caersallog.
Ealde Searoburg ƿæs Ƿiltunscīre hēafodburg oð ðære 13þ gearhundred, þa getimbrode man Nīƿe Searoburg. In þǣre ceastre middle timbrode Ƿillelm I Cyning castle, on beorge inne þǣre beorge.
Ēac brōhte Ƿillelm cyning Scirburnan biscopstōl hider, and hēafodcirice stōd in Searoburg inne beorgƿeallum. Seo forma cirice ƿæs be Osmund biscop getimbrod.
Nīƿe Searoburg
adihtanIn 1220 staðoled Ricard Poore Biscop Nīƿe Searoburg, on ƿangstedum be Afene ēa and Nædre ēa. Æt þisses nīƿan byrige her ƿæs nīƿe hēafodcirice. Æfter sumum ƿintrum ƿæs sēo ealde Searoburg forlǣten þa stāg sēo burg to þǣm ēaƿangum.
Nīƿe Searoburg is sūðerne Ƿiltunscīre hēafodburg and þǣre scīre ān ceaster.
Searoburg Heafordcirice
adihtanSearoburg Heafordcirice is Bretene hēaste cirice; hiere spir is 404 fēt. Ēac is hiere clauster Bretene mǣst.