Slavisca sprǣca

underfædercwidas þæra Indo-Europiscra sprǣcena

Slavisc (on sprǣclāre) is nama for þǣm Indo-Europiscum sprǣcum, þe on westerne, sūþerne and ēsterne Europa of þǣm folcum þæs ealdan Indianisc-Europisca gesprecen sind. Þā gyta-gesprecnan Slaviscan sprǣca sind Russisc, Polisc, and fela mā.

Slavisca sprǣca
Gelōmlicu in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cecland, Croatia, Hwītrussland, Norþmæcedonia Cynewīse, Polaland, Pulgaraland, Serbia, Slofacia, Slofenia, Russland, Ucrægna
Folc 300 milionena
Cynnlicu endebyrdung


  • Slavisca sprǣca
Sprǣce Begīemung
ISO 639-2 sla
ISO 639-5 sla
IETF sla
Þis cyþþubox hæfþ Wikidata wihta
Slavisca sprǣca on Europan sind twēonedǣled bē Sūþslaviscum, Ēastslaviscum and Westslaviscum sprǣcum      Westslavisca sprǣca      Ēastslavisca sprǣca      Sūþslavisca sprǣca

Cynnlicu endebyrdung



Englisc Niwenglisc Croatisc Pulgarisc Slofenisc Bæmisc Polisc
ƿesan, bēon, sēon to be biti съм biti být być
iċ bēom, eom I am sam съм sem jsem jestem
þū bist, eart you are si си si jsi jesteś
hē is, bið he is je е je je jest
ƿē sind(on), bēoð we are smo сме smo jsme jesteśmy
ᵹē sind(on), bēoð you are ste сте ste jste jesteście
hīe sind(on), bēoð they are su са so jsou
Slavisca sprǣca
Ēastslavisca HwītrussiscRussiscUcrægnisc
Sūþslavisca BosniscCroatiscMacedoniscPulgariscSerbiscSlofeniscSweartbeorgisc
Westslavisca BæmiscPoliscSlofacisc