Sēo Sofiete Gesamnung (on Russisce: Сою́з Сове́тских Социалисти́ческих Респу́блик, СССР) ƿæs gemǣnǣhtrǣdlīc rīce in Eurasie fram þǣm 1922. gēare ōð þæt 1991.

Gesamnung of Sofiete Gemǣnscipes Cyneƿīsan
Heafodstol Moscoƿ, Russland
Ealdor Fladimir Lenin (1917-1924), Iosep Stalin (1924-1953), Nicita Crusccef (1953-1964), Leonid Brecgnef (1964-1982), Michael Gorbacof (1985-1989)
Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR Ivan Silayev
Bradnes 22,402,200 km²
Feoh Rubel (SUR)
Tidgyrdel Eallic tid
Þēodlic antefn Пролетарии всех стран, соединяйтесь!
Webbnamena tægl .su
Getalu forerīma feorsprecan be lande

Hiere hēafodburg ƿæs Moscoƿ.

Sēo Sofiete Gesamnung wæs þæt forme gemǣnǣhtrǣdlīc rīce on þǣre worulde. Hit wæs gegrundwealled in þæt Winterfylleþes Oferþrāwende, hwǣm on gēare 1917 wǣs geworht be þone Bolscefices Stēormǣlhēap, be Fladimir Lenin, Leon Trotskig, ond Iosep Stalin lǣded.



On 7 Blōtmōnaþ 1917, þæt Winterfylleþes Oferþrāwende lamp.

On 21 Æfterra Gēola 1924 wæs Lenin dēad, swā Stalin wǣre þone nīwne brego.

On 22 Sēremōnaþ 1941, Þēodscland inswēoge Russland. Þes hergang hātte Undernimenne Barbarossa. Æt þære Beadƿe of Stalinesburg (23 Wēodmōnaþ 1942 oðþæt 2 Solmōnaþ 1943), þā Þēodisc blunnon hiera hergang.

On 29 Ƿēodmōnaþ 1949, sēo Sofiete Gesamnung brēac hire forma grotmiddellīc wǣpen, þe hātte RDS-1.

On 14 Solmōnaþ 1950, sēo Sofiete Gesamnung hæfde an dryhtsibbe mid þære Cīnan Folclīcu Cynewīsan.

On 4 Winterfylleþ 1957, Sputnic 1 wæs be þā Sofietan Gesamnung geworpen on hēofonum, and þā Hēofoniscan Camplinge wæs ongunnen.

On 12 Ēastermōnaþ 1961, Guri Alecsegefic Gagarin of Russlandes wæs þone forma man on hēofonum, mid þȳ hēofonscipe Fostoc 1.

Betwēonum þǣm 16 oðþæt 28 dǣgan of Ƿinterfylleþ on 1962 gēare, se Earfoðsīð of Cūbanisc Stræla lamp.

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