Sƿēoland-Norþƿeg ƿæs gæd in þæs Cyninges lice betƿuh Sƿēona rice and Norrena rice noþæt ðe þās tū land abādon sundorlic. Ætgædre ƿæron hie Þā Geānedan Cynerīcu of Sƿēolande and Norðƿege.
Þes gæd began æfter þǣm Kiel Foremæle in 1814 þærbe ƿæs Norþƿeg gesundrod of þǣm Dene Cyning and gegiefen to Carl XIII Sƿēona Cyning. He endode in 1905 þan fang Hacun VII Norrena Cyning to rice on Normannum æt þæs landes ƿitenagemōtes cyrre.