Swegnald Russena Þeoden

Swegnald Inwæring wæs brego on Ruswarum, and se fang to rice swa Cænugeardes Þeoden. His nama is Russiscan ealdsecgan is 'Sviatoslav' ac in his agan folces gereord wæs he 'Sveinald'.

Swegnald Russena Þeoden
Cynedom 945–972
Foregenga Inwær Brego
Æftergenga Gearopolc I
Hus Ruringas
Fæder Inwær
Modor Helge Cænugeardes Hlæfdige
Geboren 942
Deaþ 972
Dnieper Rapids

Swegnaldes cynedom wæs in Russarices ær dagum. Þara Ruricinga cynecynn wæs he and man secgþ þe Swegnald wæs in þæm þridde cneowe fram Ruric.