Edniwunga stær "Halge Brigid"

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1 Solmonaþ 2022

  • nuær 13:3813:38, 1 Solmonaþ 2022Hogweard motung forðunga 595 lytelbitena +595 Nīwe tramet: right|200px|Halge Brigid '''Halge Brigid''' is Irisce sancte in ealdsecgum. Hwæðer Brigid libbede oððe hiere spell is idelspræce lar is uncuþ. Hiere nama is of hæðnum gydne and hiere mæssedæg, {{dægmæl|1|2}}, is on þæm ilcan dæge swa swa Imbolc se wæs hæþnisc freolsungdæg for Brigide þære gydne. Be Brigites secgan wæs heo Halgan Patricies gesiþ and heo fang ofer eallum Irlande. Ymele...