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Gottistgut (motung | forðunga)
Líne 1:
[[Image:Espadon-Morges.jpg|thumb|100px|SƿitserSwitser [[langsƿeordlangsweord]], 15afram þǣm 15. oþþe 16a16. ȝearhundredgēarhundrede]]
'''SƿeordSweord''' is stycce stīeles mid langumlangre ecge, þe man brycþbrȳcþ tō snīðendum oþþe stingendum ƿǣponwǣpne in mæniȝummænigum landum and sidaþingum þǣre ƿoruldeworulde. SƿeordSweord hæfþ [[ecg]]e, [[hilt]], and [[felg]]e.
ÞāMan geaf naman þe man ȝeafmæniȝummænigum sƿeordumsweordum in ǣm,þǣm lēoþƿritungelēoþwrītungum, and stǣrestǣr ȝiefþgiefþ þā ƿeorþlicnesseweorþlicnesse þǣreþæs ƿǣpneswǣpnes.
Menn macodon and brūcodonbrucon stīelecg ƿǣpnuwǣpnu siþþanfram þāþǣre [[Brānse Ieldu]], ȝeondand siþþan. Þæt sƿeordsweord cymþ of þǣm [[cnīf]]e hƿonneþǣr langan ecga mihtliċmihtlica ƿurdonwurdon, fram þǣm latanæfterran 3a3. ȝēarþusendgēarþūsende BCE in þǣm middlummiddlan ēaste, ǣrst of copere, þonne of tinbrānse. Man fundonfand þā ieldestan sƿeordlīċesweordlīcan ƿǣpnuwǣpnu in [[Arslantepe]], on [[TurciȝeTurcige]].