Toscead betweox fadungum "Hengest"

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Líne 3:
Séo sóþsagu his lífes is uncúþ, ac æfter [[Bede]] (writing nearly 200 years after the events in question), hé and his bróþor [[Horsa]] wǽren [[esnewyrhta|esnewyrhtan]] for Britisc wealdend [[Vortigern]], þæt habbaþ tó campian wiþ þæm [[Pictas]] gehýred. Æfter his sigoras wiþ þá Pictas, Hengest laðode more folc fram [[Germanie]] tó setlienne in [[Breten|Bretene]] and þá wiþseah Vortigerne, and wearþ Cenisc cynn.
Bégen Hengest and Horsa are described as being [[Iotan]], and suna Iotisces chiefþæm heafodmenn, [[wihtgilsWihtgils]] geháten.
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The actual historical existence of both Hengest and Horsa has been called into question numerous times, with many historians labeling these two as legendary 'divine twins' along the order of [[Romulus and Remus|Romulus]] and [[Remus]]. It is perhaps more likely that ''Hengest'', was an honorific for an actual warlord, while Horsa was a later accretion to the story, perhaps as a misreading of a gloss in a manuscript that was written to define the name Hengest as meaning 'horse'.