Se Tollund wer is geāspared līc weres þe on 4a gēarhundrede BCE wunode. Man fand hine in 1950 in Geatlandiscum fene in Denemearce. Þis onwrigcynn is cūþ swā fen līc. Tollund wer, gewisse his hēafod and ānsīen, wæs swā welgeāspared, þe þūhte man wæs hē nīwlic morðorling.

Tollund wer



On 6 Þrimilcemōnþe, 1950, Viggo and Emil Højgaard of þǣm lȳtlum þorpe Tollund, gadrodon pæt for hiera wuduofne in þǣm Bjældskor Dælum fene, 7.5 mīlan west Silcebyrig, Denemearces. Swā worhten hīe, hīe fundodon ānsīen swā fersc þe þūhte hīe þæt onwrean hīe nīwlic morðorling, and clipodon þǣm tiðingweardum Silcebyrig.

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