Wīnlendisc panðer

Se Wīnlendisca panðer is þæt ān cynn panðera þe wunaþ on Wīnlande. Hē is se þridda mǣsta catt æfter þǣm lēon and þǣm tigere, and is se mǣsta catt on eallum Wīnlande. Hērrihte wunaþ hē on grēatum dǣle landes fram þǣm sūðernum Geāndum Rīcum Wīnlandes (synderlīce on Arasonan) oþ norðernum Argentinan.

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Wīnlendisc panðer
Wīnlendisc panðer
Wīnlendisc panðer
Cræftlicu endebyrdung
Rīce: Dēor
Stefn: Hrycgbāndēor
Flocc: Sycedēor
Hād: Flǣscetendu dēor
Cnēoris: Cattas
Cnōsl: Panðeras
Cynn: Wīnlendisc panðer
Oferdeorc Wīnlendisc panðer

Se Wīnlendisca panðer þynceþ wel gelīc þǣm lafore on bodige, þēah þe hē is māra and hefigra and hē is on gebǣre gelīcra þǣm tigere. Þēah þe hē wunaþ geornost on þiccum regnwealdum cann se Wīnlendisca panðer faran on missenlīcum wealdum and feldum. Ēac swimþ hē georne, swā swā tiger dēþ, and þæs him līcaþ tō wunienne nēah wætere. Hē is swīðe ānlēpig catt þe oftost crīepþ þā hwīle þe hē huntaþ. Hē hafaþ swīðe strangne ceafl þurh þone hē cann forbītan þone scell scildbæcoces[1].

Wīnlendisce panðeras acwīnaþ on rīme. Him is lyre heora wunena frēcness, and asundrung fram ōðrum heora. Þēah hit is forboden geondrīcisce tō cīepenna and bygenne Wīnlendisce panðeras oþþe heora limu, Wīnlendisce panðeras sind gīet oft gecwealden fram mannum, ānlīce on winnum wiþ eorþlingum and dēorhirdas on Sūþwīnlande. For his wīdan wunan is se Wīnlendisca panðer brēme on missenlīcum Wīnlandinlendiscum sægenum.


  1. Archive copy. Writen fram the original on 2008-02-01. Begieten on 2008-02-01.