Wikipǣdia:Tōdæges sundorgewrit/22 Hāligmōnaþ, 2005

Crāwlēac, wyrt

Crāwlēac (Allium vineale) is a ēcu plante þe is oft gedēmed wēod. Hit hæfþ weaxigu lēaf þe sind nǣdledu and standaþ ūpriht of 8 oþ 12 yncas (200 mm oþ 300 mm). Wildu crāwlēaces lēaf sind pīplicu, and habbaþ strangne gārlēaces stenc. Wilde gārlēac indǣlþ gārlēaclicne swæcc and stenc on meolcenu and cūflǣscenu tūdor, hwonne fruman dēor hit grasiaþ.

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