Wikipǣdia:Tutorial (Wrap-up and more info)

Frontpage, 1: Editing, 2: Formatting, 3: Wikipedia links, 4: Related site links, 5: External links, 6: Talk pages, 7: Keep in mind, 8: Registration, 9: Namespaces, 10: Wrap-up

There! You now know the most important things needed for contributing here. Any comments or feedback on this tutorial? Feel like something wasn't explained well enough, or want to know about something that isn't here? Let us know by dropping a comment on this page's talk page. You can also introduce yourself at Wikipedia:New user log.

Of course, one can always learn more. We've tried to keep this tutorial short so that you can start editing as easily as possible, but that means there are lots of topics we haven't covered. The links below are pages you might find useful as you continue your work on the wiki.

If you see something below that interests you, or that you know will be particularly relevant to your work here, go ahead and read it, or bookmark it and come back later.

Advice and general information


Specialised tutorials


Style and technique references


Directory: Wikipedia:Style and How-to Directory

Community and policy references




Technical references


Frontpage, 1: Editing, 2: Formatting, 3: Wikipedia links, 4: Related site links, 5: External links, 6: Talk pages, 7: Keep in mind, 8: Registration, 9: Namespaces, 10: Wrap-up