Se Wulf oþre naman Wearg (Canis lupus) is sycedēor þǣre cnēorisse Canidae and fōregenga þæs hundes.

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Fossil range: Late Pleistocene - Recent
Wulf Eurasian (C. lupus lupus)
Wulf Eurasian (C. lupus lupus)
Cræftlicu endebyrdung
Rīce: Animalia
Stefn: Chordata
Understefn: Vertebrata
Flocc: Mammalia
Hād: Carnivora
Cnēoris: Canidae
Cnōsl: Canis
Cynn: C. lupus
Twinemniendlic nama
Canis lupus
Linnaeus, 1758
Range map
Range map

Nama and folclār


Þisses dēores nama in folclicum sprǣce is 'wulf' ac man hycge þe his nama in æryldum wæs 'wearg', and þe swylc nama weard unfǣle word for his unwyrde, and in manigum gereordum þāra norþlandum sind tū word for þisses dēore, and onmang scopum sind cenningas manige. 'Wearg' weard gemǣne binama for yfel ðingum.

Wulf is in folclār gemǣne þing.

Seoh ēac

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