Afghanistan is Afghana land þæt is in beorgum Asie. Manig mægþu oneardaþ þæt land and folcas þāra ēþel is in nēum landum. Manig sprǣcas findeð man hēr, tō bysene Patane, Perse, Tacgice and Usbece.

Mearcas hæfþ Afghanistan mid Persealande be ƿesten and Tacgicistane and Turcmenistane be norðen, and lang meac mid Pacistane be ēasten and be sūðen. Seringas habbaþ scort mære mid Afghanum in Pamirbeorgum.

Þisses rices hēafodstōl is Cabura.

Wikimedia Commons hæfþ māran gemyndþrǣdas sibb mid:

Land on Asie

AfghanistanArmeniaAserbaiganBahrainBængladescBhutanBruneiBurmaCambodiaCasahstanCatarCīnaCirgisstanCorēaCuƿaitĒasttimorFietnamFilippinīegaGeānedu Arabisc BregorīcuGemenGeorgiaIndeaIndonesiaIracIsrahēlIapanIordanrīceLaolandLibanusMalægsiaMaldifīegaMongollandNepalOmanPacistanPalestīnPersealandRussland1Saudisc ArabeaSingaporeSyriaTacgicastanTæġlandTāprabaneTurcmenistanTyrcland1Usbecastan

1 Dæl þisses landes is on Europan