Anphos VI Leones and Castillan Cyning
(Edlǣded of Anphos VI Leones and Castiles Cyning)
Anphos VI wæs Leones Cyning fram 1065 oð his deaðe in 1109 and eac he nam his rice in Galicie fram 1071 and on Castile fram 1072. His binama wæs 'Se Hwata'. In 1086 gehiersumode Anphos Cyning Toletum and him geaf þone binaman victoriosissimo rege in Toleto, et in Hispania et Gallecia se is 'se sigefullosta Cyning of Toletem, Ispanie and Galicie'.
Anphos | |
Fæder | Ferdinand I of León and Castile |
Modor | Sancha of León |
Geboren | Sēremōnaþ 1040 Santiago de Compostela |
Deaþ | 1 Æfterra Liða 1109 Toledo |
Seo Engliscu stærboc atellaþ us:
“ | Eac wearð on Ispanie þæt þa hæðenan men foran 7 hergodan uppon þam Cristenan mannan 7 mycel abegdan to heora anwealde, ac se Cristena cyng, Anphos wæs gehaten, he sende ofer eall into ælcan lande. 7 gyrnde fultumes 7 him com to fultum of ælcen lande þe Cristen wæs, 7 ferdon 7 ofslogon 7 aweg adrifan eall þet hæðena folc 7 gewunnon heora land ongean. þurh Godes fultum. | ” |